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Terms and conditions

1. Introductory part
Accessing the online store for information, viewing or shopping implies acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated below. The store administrator has the right to make changes to these provisions without prior notice.

2. Store manager
The owner and administrator of this store is the company SC COVERED SRL with the following identification data:

- CUI: 47818139

- Nr.Reg.Com.: J20/341/2023

- Capital social: 200 RON

- The company SC COVERED SRL is also the owner of the domain All the content of this website (information, photos, graphic elements, symbols, scripts, programs, the logo and the slogan of the store) is the property of the company SC COVERED SRL and its suppliers and is protected by copyright law. The use of any element without the written consent of SC COVERED SRL is punishable by law. Any notification related to the infringement of copyright mentioned above, please send it to the address

3. Definition of the service offered In accordance with the Electronic Commerce Law no. 365/07.06.2002 this store represents a "service of the information society". The information society is the owner of the store. Consequently, this store is only a graphic interface that presents the visitor with the information made available by a product supplier and at the same time offers the technical way to make purchases.

4. SC COVERED SRL cannot be considered responsible for causing damages of any kind (material or moral, including image or violation of personal privacy) due to the use of products purchased from the website and used either defectively or illegally, either with bad intent, or against the warnings posted on this site or in the product's instructions for use.

The maximum value of the company's obligations towards any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the amount collected by SC COVERED SRL from the respective customer for the product in question.

6. Returning products
According to art. 9 para. 1 of Government Ordinance no. 34 of June 12, 2014 regarding consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, you have the right to withdraw from contracts concluded at a distance without specifying the reasons, within 30 calendar days from the date on which you or a third party, another than the carrier, indicated by you, in physical possession of the products / the last product.
To exercise your right to cancel the purchase, you must inform us of your decision using an unequivocal statement sent by e-mail or using the return form.
The return of the products is done at the EXCLUSIVE expense of the customer (transportation, delivery costs).
In order to be returned, the products must be in perfect condition, without being damaged and must be accompanied by the ORIGINAL PACKAGING (foils/foils, applicator card, application solution, microfiber cloth, box).
The cost of the product will be reimbursed to the buyer's bank account within a maximum of 14 days. The cost of transport and logistics incurred by SC COVERED SRL through various free transport offers will be deducted from the amount that must be returned to the buyer.
In cases where the returned products show damage or are sent with missing accessories, show signs of wear (the protective foils on the back of the products have been removed or the foils have already been mounted on the device), or have scratches, bumps, etc., we reserve the right to the right to withhold an amount of money from the value of the product (value with VAT), the amount that will be communicated after the assessment of the damages caused.
In the event that there is a non-compliance with the warranty conditions and automatically a non-compliance with Art. 14, Para. 3 of O.U.G. 34/2014, the value of the product will be reduced in order to return it to its condition from the moment of delivery. Also, you are only responsible for diminishing the value of the products resulting from manipulations, other than those necessary to determine the nature, qualities and functioning of the products.

According to the legislation in force regarding electronic commerce, the following cannot be returned:

  • the products ordered expressly (to order, customized product according to the customer's sizes), atypical color combinations, other materials or other customizations requested by the buyer) at the request of the buyer or which were not part of the stock at the time of the order (custom skins)

According to GEO 34/2014 art. 16 letter c) - "They are exempted from the right of withdrawal provided for in art. 9-15 regarding distance contracts and contracts outside commercial premises the following: […] c) supply of products made according to the specifications presented by the consumer or clearly customized […] ."

7. Legal provisions
The store operates in compliance with all legal provisions imposed by the Romanian State. Any attempt of unauthorized access, damage or fraud will be brought to the attention of the competent authorities. The store will try to amicably resolve any conflicts that may arise between the parties. If this is not possible, the legal provisions will be applied and they will be resolved by the courts.

8. Litigation
Any dispute arising between the Clients and the Company will be resolved amicably. In the event that all attempts to extinguish the conflict amicably fail, the competence to resolve it rests with the Romanian courts.


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